Welcome to my new account! I used to be Garnet-Frost, but I had to make a new account. Thank you for visiting my page and offering your support. Also, I hope you have a good 2024! 🧡


Joined on 3/12/22

Exp Points:
2,602 / 2,840
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.78 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
2y 13d

Commissions Are Open!

Posted by Cherry-Garnet - 1 month ago

I decided I am going to try and do commissions again. However, instead of taking five slots I'll take three instead because of the way I work. Anyway, if you're interested in commissioning me just message me and I'll get back to you.

Also, you must have a PayPal and your support is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you want to keep your commission private and I'll put you down as anonymous on my slot list.

Finally, and most importantly, I will charge extra if you plan on making or selling prints of my artwork. I will not make art for NFTs or anything like it.

Here are my commission sheets!




What is your field in art commissions? E-A rating ? Genre, themes and so on.

I have no problem doing E-A rate commissions. However, when it comes to drawing NSFW/Adult content I do have my limits. For example, I'm not comfortable drawing outrageously huge boobs and when I mean huge boobs I mean they look ridiculously big, out of body proportion big. I also will not draw underage characters in sexual situations, certain fetishes, and same sex couples in sexual situations.

I can't draw same sex couples in sexual situations because of my family. I know for a fact they are going to say something if they see it. So the best I can do is draw them holding hands and maybe going out on date. Y'know? Couple stuff.

The themes and genres I tend to draw are humans, robots (especially Transformers), chibis, Madness, and anything that interest me. I usually draw a sketch of a person's commission before payment to make sure they are okay with the drawing.


Well, that is great to have a good range in art. Sad that your family is against a different culture like same sex couples. In my family, we are more open about others cultures but we are also a standard family like any. We have like two or three homosexuals in our family members back in the 80s.. So it's not that big of a deal to us. I hope you have a beautiful day and thanks for your honesty.

Believe it or not I have some gay cousins and family members. They're still welcome and all, especially at family gatherings, but some of my family members don't approve of their lifestyle. I love all my family equally, but I just try to pray for calm and order to stay. I don't want to rock the boat if you get what I'm saying. Also, no problem.